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New Yorker Magazine - September 7, 1987 - Cover by J. J. Sempe
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New Yorker Magazine - September 7, 1987 - Cover by J. J. Sempe
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the September 7, 1987 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: J. J. Sempe
Publication Date: September 7, 1987
Page Count: 112 pages
In this issue:

The Talk of the Town Bungalow Colony by Stanley Mieses. Talk story about a reunion of the East Pond Bungalow Colony in the Catskills. Now 20 yrs. since the East Pond Colony closed, the area has been renamed Silver Pond, and the bungalows are run by the Bobover Yeshiva of Williamsburg...

The Theatre by Mimi Kramer.

The Current Cinema NO SHELTER by Pauline Kael.

Fiction Lingo by Penelope Gilliatt. Captain Piggy Booter always got his hair cut by Alex, who worked at a shop in Saville Row in England. Captain Booter was 22; Alex was 19. Captain Booter spoke about Virginia, the woman he was going to wed, "What should one do about what's on the mind of one's...

The Talk of the Town Nails by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about a nail salon on Times Square... The reason to get to the bottom of this nail business is that otherwise the city can be a complete mystery. You are standing on the corner; things are dirty or not, unbearably hot or not & you look up &...

Fiction Reach For The Sky by Jim Shepard. Narrator won't let a boy leave a golden/Labrador Rita at shelter until he understands that many of the dogs brought in have to be killed. The boy has trouble filling out the form: "His dad handled all that stuff... Reason for Surrender: she plays too rough." She also has...

Comment by Anthony Hiss. Comment about the closing of revival theatres, prompted by the most recent casualty, the Regency Theatre on B'way & 67 St. It follows 4 months after the Thalia on W. 95 St. was closed. 5 yrs. ago 4 of 10 old-run movie houses were on the upper West Side...

A Reporter at Large ASYMMETRY by John Hersey. A REPORTER AT LARGE about the writer's visit to the 7th world congress of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, held in Moscow... The organization owes its existence to a longstanding friendship between the 2 men who accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for the organization 2 years ago...

Fiction La Bamba Hot Line by Bobbie Ann Mason. Narrator works for the La Bamba Hot Line. To a caller who wants to know if "La Bamba is derived from the Icelandic Younger Edda...and transported to America in 1665," she answers, "No, not even close." Next, a wrong number: 'You want the Louie Louie Hot Line...." A Sen...

Profiles ALMOST FREE OF THE MIRROR California Painter by Dan Hofstadter.

The Talk of the Town Quarter Eaters by Elizabeth Morgan. Talk story about a woman who plays skill cranes -- large, aquarium-like machines filled with stuffed animals you can keep if you maneuver the crane into the right position. Lists a variety of stuffed animals she's won. Skill cranes have been around a long time--her dad won a glass...

Fiction My And Ed's Peace Proposals by Veronica Geng. Narrator and Ed propose "a plan for the cessation of hostilities between the Reagan Administration and household." Ed's Plan includes: "3. U.S. Diplomatic relations with puppet regime of Pat Buchanan severed for an indefinite cooling-off period; in return, Ed will use all his influence to halt Latin-American...

Books by John Updike.

Poetry Buying and Selling by Philip Levine. All the way across the Bay Bridge I sang...

Click on image to zoom.
New Yorker Magazine - September 7, 1987 - Cover by J. J. Sempe

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