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New Yorker Magazine - October 12, 1987 - Cover by Barbara Westman
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - October 12, 1987 - Cover by Barbara Westman
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the October 12, 1987 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Barbara Westman
Publication Date: October 12, 1987
Page Count: 146 pages
In this issue:

A Reporter at Large I-THE VIEW FROM MUSTANSIRIYAH by Milton Viorst. REPORTER AT LARGE about Iraq. Writer visited Baghdad this summer & found it a vibrant city undisturbed by the war. Its population has soared to 4 million,more than a quarter of the country's total. Tells about its history and why hardly any building is more than 100 years old...

Fiction Szyrk V. Village of Tatamount Et Al. by William Gaddis. In the United States District Court, Southern District of Virginia, No. 105-87 Story in the form of a legal opinion by a Judge Crease, about a temporary restraining order filed by an artist, Mr. Szryk, a SoHo sculptor, to prevent a volunteer fire department from rescuing a dog which had...

Comment by William Finnegan. The Reagan Adm., after a period of wavering in its attitude toward the peace plan signed in Guatemala in August by the leaders of 5 Central American countries, has now set itself against the plan by producing a list of demands that it says the Nicaraguan govt. must accept before...

Profiles BOARD-AND-CARE by Bill Barich. PROFILE of Leroy and Kathy Looper, and Chateau Agape, theSan Francisco Victorian mansion that they live in which is also a board-and-care home for the mentally disabled. All but one of the 27 men and women who share it with the Loopers are chronic schizophrenics, ranging in age...

The Talk of the Town Three by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about attending a seminar at the recent International Association of Women Police convention at the Sheraton Centre Hotel. The seminar was called, "When Your Partner Is the Opposite Sex. "Writer is especially interested in Lt. S.J. Glass and Pamela Miller, both from the Orlando Police Department, as well...

Dancing by Arlene Croce.

The Theatre SMALL PLEASURES by Mimi Kramer.

Fiction A Kind of Dying by Marvin Barrett. Narrator is in the hospital after having another heart attack. Since he had had one before, he knew what it was like. His wife, Mary Ellin, didn't wait for an ambulance this time (they waited 1 1/2 hrs. last time), but instead went for a cab. No cabs were around...

Comment Comment, Pt. II by E. J. Kahn. A comment about an interview writer had with Gov. Mario Cuomo in Leningrad, U.S.S.R. When writer returned to his hotel, the Governor, who has been travelling a lot since he decided not to call himself a Presidential candidate, was enjoying an unexpected, nonpartisan reunion with another eminent New Yorker, State...

The Talk of the Town Tomato Bob by Mark Singer. Talk story about independent produce merchant Tomato Bob, also known as Robert Polenz... In 1983, he sold tomatoes from a garden he had cultivated in Ringoes to a few restaurants in lower Manhattan. That summer & the next, when he officially became Tomato Bob, he sold 10 or so cases...

Letter from Europe by Jane Kramer. The Klaus Barbie trial was meant to be an illuminating moment. It was bound to fail... Barbie's lawyer, Jacques Verges, whose own father was a French colonial diplomat forced out of the foreign service for marrying a Vietnamese, seemed to expect, or pretended to seem to expect, that in Klaus...

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

Poetry Two Poems by Primo Levi. You have only to wait with a biro at the ready...

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New Yorker Magazine - October 12, 1987 - Cover by Barbara Westman

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