The pictures show the covers of all (4) FATE Magazines in this lot. Sporting the byline "True Stories Of The Strange And The Unknown", FATE Magazine is the world39;s leading magazine of the paranormal. Started in 1948, it has published expert opinions and personal experiences relating to UFOs, psychic abilities, ghosts and hauntings, cryptozoology, alternative medicine, and Fortean phenomena for a devoted readership worldwide. All stories in this magazine are purported to be factual. This is not a collection of science fiction stories. Included in this lot are the following (4) FATE magazines, all from 1955. These magazines measure 5 1/2" wide and 7 1/4" tall. They each contain 130 pages. They are complete and in good condition, with exceptions as noted. Issue #66, VOL 8 - No. 9, September 1955 (cover has pen marks and date stamp) Issue #67, VOL 8 - No. 10, October 1955 (cover has pen marks and date stamp) Issue #68, VOL 8 - No. 11, November 1955 (binding is chipped near the bottom) Issue #69, VOL 8 - No. 12, December 1955 There are many interesting articles and advertisements in these issues, including: Issue #66, VOL 8 - No. 9, September 1955 "The Lost Children Of The Alleghenies", Rhoda Bender "A Spirit Pays Its Debts", Albert Benton "The Monk Who Rose From the Grave", Edmond P. Gibson "Tonight I Die", John Charles York "Was The Maine Foredoomed?", Belle C. Ewing "My Best Friend Is A Ghost!", Nina Ramey "Barsabas... The Man With The Miracle Muscles", Douglas Nelson Rhodes "Grandma39;s Vien Waltz", Rose Roehl Jesberg "I Have Seen White Shadows!", Zura Powers "The Bleeding Cross That Cured Me", Harold G. Hemming "The Worship Of Mithras", Douglas Hunt "Do Geniuses Have More ESP?", H. Addington Bruce "How To Read Hands", Mir Bashir "Gandhi - The Healer", Virginia Stumbough "Cobwebs From The Sky", Cliff R. Towner "Doctor, The Patient Is Ready!", D. Trevillion Watson "Mysteries Along The Track Of Man", Henry Field "And The Ducks Died, Too", William E. Sorensen "Berta Was Cured At Needah", The Needah Marqee "Roscoe39;s Three Dreams", William W. Bathlot "Mother Just Knew", Quinlyn Owen "Mystery Of The Tenino Mounds" "Telepathic Rescue" "Killed By The Clock" "Fingers Of Fate", Harold Helfer "True Mystic Experiences" "The Numbers In The Cup", Irene Akker "The Thrifty Ouija Board", Maybelle Hazlip "A Healing Presence", Ann Abramson "The Paradox Of Time" "My Proof of Survival" "The Same Casket", D. Godwin "Astology And The Alphabet" "Psychic Panel" "Report From the Readers" Issue #67, VOL 8 - No. 10, October 1955 "Hawaii39;s Living Fire Goddess", Milton Klamen "The Commissar39;s Conversation", N. Mamontoff "What "Weejie" Told Us", Marion Kirkpatrick "Was the J. C. Cousins Steered to Destruction?", Walker A. Tompkins "Who Phoned The Doctor?", Garfield Scott, M.D. "What Grandma Saw in the Graveyard", Robin Barrett "When We Encountered Witchcraft", London Fair "Portrait of a Woman Who Died in Bombay", Frank Leah & Two Worlds "My Ancestral Memory", Mortimer Noyes "The Planet That Disappeared", Michael Hervey "Peruvian Desert Map For Saucers?", James W. Moseley "The Mind Can Kill or Cure", Dr. W. D. Chesney "Strange Cult of the Manicheans", Harry E. Wedeck "Francis Schlatter - A Fool For God", Estella DeFord Graham "Island of Death", Richard Magruder "I Talked With Mackenzie King39;s Ghost", Percy J. Phillip "Psychic Stories From the Bible", Ralph Underhill "I See By The Papers", Curtis Fuller "Roscoe39;s Three Dreams", William W. Bathlot "The Lost Lamb" "True Mystic Experiences" "Pre-Columbian Christians in America" "A Dream Solved the Crime" "Saved by a Premonition" "Dogs of Death", Jean W. Floyd "Wheel of Fortune", Paul Steiner "Witchcraft in Guatemala" "The First Man Who Used Fire" "My Proof of Survival" "Report From the Readers" Issue #68, VOL 8 - No. 11, November 1955 "My Family Hears The Banshee Cry", Raquel De S. Marshall "Was I A Murderer?", Michael Sheldon "Test Of Telepathy", Helen Strickland "Journey Into The Past", Pauline Saltzman "This Ghost Blocked The Light", Edmond P. Gibson "The Accursed Factory", W. J. Brands "I Live With A Poltergeist", Eugene Y. Burroughs "Message From The Mail", Beulah Oswalt "The Man Who Created Life", Valentine Dyall "Learn To Read The Future", Georgia Jacobsen "Chris - The Mathematical Dog", John Edward Malloy "How To Read Hands", Mir Bashir "Hypnosis Helps Cure Burns", Harry McCormick "Mystery Of The Lead-Filled Bones", Edmond Gibson "Europe39;s Strange Sensitives", Frank Harford "I See By The Papers", Mary Margaret Fuller "Ghost On The Corner", Candida Dee "The Invisible Cat", Darcea Schiesl "A Lock Of Milton39;s Hair", Thomas Mabbott "Disappearance In Duplicate" "Fingers Of Fate", Harold Helfer "True Mystic Experiences" ""Albert Is Going Home"", Edith Spears "Mystery Of The Sinking Road" "Telepathy Or Guesswork?" "Angel At The Wheel", Candida Dee "My Proof of Survival" "Psychic Panel" "Report From the Readers" Issue #69, VOL 8 - No. 12, December 1955 "The Woman Who Grew Younger", Q. Q. Quail "The Invisible Dog", Lady Eleanor Smith "An Open Letter", Candida Dee "How I Found The Lost Traps", W. M. Tisher "Ghostly Guardians Of Dunswart", Michael Sheldon "The Curse Of Mar", Cmdr. Charles M. Cree "I Visit The Astral", J. P. J. Chapman "Sir E. A. Wallis Budge39;s Amazing Dream", Marguerite Steedman "I Walk With The Dead", Chris Vandeventer "The Story Of Sleeping Lucy", Iris Barry "Are The Saucers Space Animals?", John P. Bessor "Mystery Lights Over The Orient", Frank Volkmann "Why The Real Saucer Is Interplanetary", Thomas M. Comella "Why Psychic Healing?", Dr. W. D. Chesney "Divination, Dowsing and Radiesthesia", J. Cecil Maby, B.Sc. "Edgar Cayce39;s Window To Eternity", Vaughn Shelton "Oklahoma39;s Chinese Idol", Frank Volkmann "Dervishes... Devils Or Saints?", J. Mortimer Sheppard "Planetary Atmospheres" "True Mystic Experiences" "Has The Soul Been Photographed" "Nightmare On A Racing Yacht" "Tomorrow39;s News" "My Proof of Survival" "Report From the Readers" |