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Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
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Found 1255 items matching New Yorker Magazine
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(4) 1970s Dodge Chrysler Plymouth Automobile Advertising Magazines
Dodge   Chrysler   Plymouth   Mopar   Dealership   Car   Auto   Automobile   Automotive   Transportation   Advertising   Magazine   Nostalgic   Tourist   Tourism   Travel   History   Historic
#f925   $24.99+ $9 shipping & handling.   details...
(2) Old Unused King Kong & I Walked With A Zombie Movie Ad Mat Molds
King Kong   Fay Wray   Zombie   Voodoo   Black Magic   Monster   Character   Adventure   Horror   Science   Fiction   Ad Mat   Advertising   Printer   Printing   Print Block   Mold   Nostalgic   Theatre   Theater   Movie   Film   Actor   Actress   Newspaper   Magazine   Program   History   Historic   Paper   Ephemera
#i730    Sold.   details...
Old Unused Boxed Set of Paul Webb Hillbilly Character Advertising Premium Playing Cards
Box   Art   Artist   Illustration   Illustrator   Paul Webb   Hillbilly   Cartoon   Comic   Character   Advertising   Premium   Card   Game   Playing Cards   Culture   Cultural   Appalachian   Mountain   Folk   Outhouse   Novelty   Nostalgic   Paper   Ephemera   History   Historic
#k306   $49.99+ $8 shipping & handling.   details...
(15) Different 1939 – 1940 New York World's Fair Advertising and Souvenir Paper Items
New York City   New York   United States   America   American   Americana   New York World's Fair   N.Y.W.F.   Exhibit   Pavilion   Advertising   Souvenir   Prize   Premium   Travel   Transportation   Tourist   Tourism   Novelty   Nostalgic   Map   Photo   Photograph   Brochure   Post Card   Paper   Ephemera   History   Historic
#m968   $24.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - September 26, 1970 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19700926    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - March 27, 1971 - Cover by Saul Steinberg
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710327   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - May 1, 1971 - Cover by Mischa Richter
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710501    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - May 8, 1971 - Cover by Charles Saxon
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710508    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - May 22, 1971 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710522    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - May 29, 1971 - Cover by William Steig
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710529   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - June 26, 1971 - Cover by William Steig
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710626   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - July 10, 1971 - Cover by Andre Francois
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710710   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - August 14, 1971 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710814    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - August 21, 1971 - Cover by James Stevenson
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710821   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - August 28, 1971 - Cover by Edward Koren
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710828    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - September 4, 1971 - Cover by Arthur Getz
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710904   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - September 11, 1971 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710911    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - September 18, 1971 - Cover by Arthur Getz
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710918    Sold.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - September 25, 1971 - Cover by Saul Steinberg
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19710925   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - October 2, 1971 - Cover by Pierre Le-Tan
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19711002    Sold.   details...
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