Item #1465 |  Price: $14.99 $6 shipping & handling For Sale
  | Any group of items being offered as a lot must be sold as a lot. | | | Quality Packing And Postal Insurance | An Ever Changing Inventory | Worldwide Sales | Quantity Discount Prices (when available) | We have an extensive inventory that is not yet on our web site. If there is something you are looking for and did not find, please send us your wish list. | All Original Items. No Reproductions | You can feel secure shopping with PayPal. | You don't have to be an eight year old to enjoy having a childhood treasure. |
| | | The picture shows this 1922 N.E.O.P. Grand Lodge Of Maine Ribbon. This one has obvious damage but it might be of some Historic interest to someone. It is a blue ribbon with silver print. It has a pin on the back. It reads: 34th ANNUAL SESSION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF MAINE N.E.O.P. BANGOR APRIL 5, 1922 The ribbon measures 4" long and is only in fair condition (please see picture). |
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