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New Yorker Magazine - June 3, 1974 - Cover by Paul Degen
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New Yorker Magazine - June 3, 1974 - Cover by Paul Degen
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the June 3, 1974 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Paul Degen
Publication Date: June 3, 1974
Page Count: 112 pages
In this issue:

Fiction The Street by Larry Woiwode. Every night when the writer is unable to sleep, being plagued by accusing faces of those he loves, both living and dead, he tries to retrace the main street of the village where he was born, Hyatt, North Dakota. The writer tells about various stores & buildings which line the...

Profiles A LIFE ON A CLOUD by Janet Flanner. PROFILE of Margaret Anderson (1886-1973), founder of "The Little Review" in Chicago in March 1914. Her most remarkable labor was the serialization, over 3 years, of Joyce's "Ulysses," which was little appreciated by readers, & caused the "Review" to be burned 4 times by the U.S. Post Office for alleged...

Obituary by Brendan Gill. Obituary of New Yorker cartoonist Alan Dunn, who died May 20, 1974...

U. S. Journal U.S. JOURNAL: MANHATTAN THE PARKWAY RESTAURANT- DRAMATIS PERSONAE by Calvin Trillin. U.S. JOURNAL about a Rumanian-Jewish restaurant called The Parkway, on Alien St. on the lower East Side. The proprietor is Karl Oberwager, from Vienna, a distinguished-looking man. The restaurant has music on Saturday evenings, provided by a singing accordionist. It is just about the last of the old...

The Talk of the Town Theatre by Lillian Ross. Talk story about Edward Albee, the famed playwright who spoke to a 9th grade English class at St. Bernard's (all boys) School, about himself and his plays...

Books by George Steiner.

The Current Cinema by Penelope Gilliatt. Review of Chabrol's latest film, which he wrote as well as directed, "Wedding in Blood...

Dancing by Arlene Croce.

The Theatre DE PROFUNDIS by Brendan Gill.

Comment by Jonathan Schell. For the last few weeks, the evening news has brought us scenes of violence in a steady stream - scenes from Israel, where terrorists were holding school-children hostage; from Ireland, where bombs were going off on crowded streets; from L.A. where the tale of Patricia Hearst was unfolding. We are...

The Talk of the Town The Cast-Iron World by Wallace White. Talk story about the Friends of Cast Iron Architecture and their recent four-hour walking tour called "The Cast-Iron World of the Astors and the Bond Street Area" About 250 people gathered at Broadway and Houston St. They were divided into six groups by Margot Gayle, chairman of the...

Dance by Whitney Balliett. Obituary of tap-dancer Baby Laurence who died earlier this week at the age of 53. Preliminary brief obituary of Duke Ellington - jazz musician and band leader and great American composer Writer says more will appear next week...

Fiction Long Weekend by Daniel Menaker. Dave, a teacher at Columbia Journalism & his girlfriend Anne, are guests for a weekend at a summerhouse, somewhere off the Taconic Parkway. Bob, Jon & Ruth, the latter being a friend of Dave's, have rented this house for the season. Dave and Anne arrive on a Saturday and are...

Fiction The Sea of Lost Time by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In a small Spanish sea-coast town in South America, every year toward the end of January the sea grew harsh and emitted a foul odor, also dumping its garbage on the town. This contaminated the town with an unbearable mood until the next December. But, one year a man...

Comment by Ved Mehta. On May 18 India detonated her first nuclear device, there by weakening the constraints that have restricted the use of nuclear weapons by the major powers & taking a first step toward possible proliferation of nuclear weapons among the minor powers. It is hard to imagine what priorities led the...

Poetry The Old Clothes by Brendan Galvin. Often I visit them where they slump...

Poetry Riding The Elevator Into The Sky by Anne Sexton. As the fireman said...

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New Yorker Magazine - June 3, 1974 - Cover by Paul Degen

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