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| | | The many pictures show views of some of the (68) pages in this interesting Old Union Specialty Company Kitchen & Household Gadget Advertising Catalog. Shown is the front and back covers and a sampling of many pages inside. This catalog is not dated but it is from the early 1900s. The covers feature the company building, a Victorian lady in a wood stove kitchen with many tools & utensils, and every mode of transportation at the time including: Steam Ship, Ocean Cruise Liner, Motor Boats, Train with Railroad Cars, different Horse Drawn Wagons, early Automobiles, an Airship, an early Aeroplane, and a Trolley Car. Also pictured is a world globe. The booklet has a hole for stringing and hanging in the kitchen. The cover is marked as follows: HANG ME UP OUR FIELD IS THE WORLD THE UNION SPECIALTY CO. 208 ANGELIQUE STREET WEEHAWKEN, N.J. WAREHOUSE IN BUFFALO, N.Y. The catalog booklet measures 5-1/2'' x 8-5/8''. It is in near mint condition as pictured. Below here is a long list of the many different household products being advertised inside: Kitchen Knife Sets Mail Box Ideal Dust Pan Fruit Scalloper Nip - It Fruit Holder Safety Corn Knife Harrington Tea & Coffee Percolator Common Sense Broom Holder Stocking Darner Perfection Cake Spoon Leader Adjustible Clothes Drier Yankee Can & Bottle Opener Ideal Pie Cutter & Crimper Cleaning & Polishing Cloth Hygienic Sectional Fireless Cooker 7 - IN - 1 Kitchen Snow Flake Ware Outfit The ''Lusk'' Match Safe Perfection Cherry Seeder Stop - A - Leek New Century Combination Slicer / Peeler Combination Dipper No. 1 Set ''Mendets'' Leak Repair Funnel Strainer Flexible Pot & Kettle Scraper Clothes Line Reel Clothes Line Holder ''Ideal'' Knife, Scissors, & Skate Sharpener Clothes Line Prop Sure Death Fly Killer Clothes Line Trouser Hanger New Census Edition Webster's Dictionary The Only Pie Tray New Neck Tie Holder The Ideal Burglar Alarm Rubber Faucet Cushion New Bake Pan Milk Bottle Holder Multiple Skirt & Trouser Holder The ''Yankee'' Fire Kindler The Nailoshine Self Manicuring Set Utility Kitchen Knife Sets Perfect Kitchen Utensil Rack Perfection Skirt Gauge Honey Comb Flat Iron Cleaner & Waxer Detachable Pie Plate Rims Indian Tan Pouch Elite Hat Fastener The Vulcan Handy Alcohol Cup Nox - All Button Hole Cutter Perforated Cake Turner Laundry Bucket The Favorite Duster Wire Kettle Bottom The Perfect Pie Lifter Safety Lamp Filler & Ventilator The Spiral Potato Masher Housekeepers Nason Jar Sealer & Opener Pot & Pan Scraper O.U.E.-Z. Wall Paper Cleaner Water Filters & Anti - Spashers The Safety Clothes Drainer Grover's Clothes Steamer Ironing Board Cover Clips Milk Bottle Opener & Stopper Economy Spoon Tea Maker Automatic Toaster Iron Brightner The Quick Parer & Corer Corundum Knife Sharpener The ''Crusty'' Bread Pan ''Gem'' Kettle Bottom Combination Fry Basket The Handy Lifter The Perfect Mop Wringer Attachment Perfect Noodle Cutter The Safeguard Lamp Burner Universal Tinware Mender The Kitchen Indicator The Marvelous Duplex Serving Fork The Combination Rolling Pin The Ideal Mixing Spoon Dandy Faucet Hook Meat Tenderer & Ice Pick The Ideal Coffee Percolator Paper Supply Pencil Auto Lantern Globe Ezy Vac Cleaner All Steel Bath Room Bracket Wall Bracket Gem Gas Burner Heater Hold Fast Key Lock Wire Cone Toaster Mrs. Hutchins' Strainer Spoon Combined Thimble & Thread Cutter The Star Hat & Coat Rack White Granite Sanitary Rolling Pin Perforated Frying & Kettle Covers Safety Razor Edge Paring & Slicing Knife Perfect Tack Hammer & Puller Combined New Idea Egg Beater Window Rattle - Nit Aunt Jemima Saratoga Potato Chipper Let Her Blow Clothes Pin Bag Half - Moon Skimmer ''Lightning'' Can Opener The Indispensable Tool (ten household tools in one) Ideal Pancake Griddle No Burn Iron Holder Boston Pir Rim Ink & Rust Remover China & Glass Cement Lawn Edge Trimmer Self Sharpening Shear Flat Iron Holder Combination Cake, Biscuit, & Doughnut Cutter, Coffee Strainer, & Apple Corer The ''Best Yet'' Knife Sharpener The King Safety Razor Rundel Automatic Safety Razor Stropper (5 different) Auto Filler Fountain Pens (4 different) Pocket Watches The Improved Matchless Pocket Lighter The Cronos Pocket Lighter ''Ideal'' Carriage or Automobile Wasker The Auto Time Saver Repair Kit Silver Cups Napkin Rings Silver Hat Pin Holder ''Chevalier'' Opera Glasses Mission Lamp Mission Rocker Chair Mission Alarm Clock Mission Hanging Wall Clock Colonial Shelf Clock Eight Day Standing Mission Clock Lucky Crescent Moon Clock Swinging Brass Clock Beehler Folding ''Name On'' Umbrella |
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