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Old Cracker Jack Prize Pot Metal Lapel Stud Buttons
Series #cje3028
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Old Cracker Jack Prize Pot Metal Lapel Stud Buttons
Cracker Jack   Pop Corn   Confection   Candy   Premium   Prize   Miniature   Lapel   Stud   Button   Toy   Novelty   Nostalgic
The picture shows a variety of Old Old Cracker Jack Prize Pot Metal Lapel Stud Buttons. These were all manufactured by the Tootsietoy Company of Chicago, Illinois. Some were made specifically for Cracker Jack, while others were made as novelties, bought, and used as prizes by The Cracker Jack Company. These range from the 1910s to the 1930s.

Many of these were also sold out of the old Johnson Smith & Company catalogs as well as some other novelty catalogs.

They are made of lead or pot metal. They have a button formed on a post on the back. There are some in the picture that were not finished in the manufacturing. They have a post on the back but the post was not moulded as a button. These will be mentioned in the listing below.

These were made plain with no finish, painted in different colors, or inked in different colors. All of these are original. They are in various conditions as pictured and described.

To judge the sizes the top left button measure 1" wide.

The picture is representative of the items for sale. Some items may be available in quantity.

 DescriptionPriceS&HView shopping cart
#01 "I’m Afraid To Go Home In The Dark" (pictures lantern), no finish Sold
#02 "Can I Swing On Your" (pictures gate), no finish Sold
#03 "U Kick Like A" (pictures mule), no finish Sold
#04 "U R A" (pictures cow or bull head), no finish Sold
#05 "U R A" (pictures dove), no finish & has a green patina Sold
#06 "U R A" (pictures deer), silver finish Sold
#07 "U R A" (pictures deer), gold finish Sold
#08 "U R A" (pictures lobster), green paint Sold
#09 "U R A" (pictures lobster), red paint Sold
#10 "Don’t Be A" (pictures duck), silver finish Sold
#11 "You Remind Me Of A" (pictures pig), no finish Sold
#12 "Oh You" (pictures ass, mule, or donkey), no finish Sold
#13 "Will You Be My Dear" (pictures deer), no finish Sold
#14 "You Got My" (pictures goat), no finish Sold
#15 "O U" (pictures monkey), no finish Sold
#16 "Stop Your" (horsing)(pictures horse), no finish Sold
#17 "U And I Make A Good" (pictures pear), no finish Sold
#18 Monkey, green ink, unfinished post on back Sold
#19 Monkey, blue ink, unfinished post on back Sold
#20 Monkey, red ink, unfinished post on back Sold
#21 Monkey, no finish Sold
#22 Moose, green ink Sold
#23 Moose, light gold finish Sold
#24 Moose, no finish Sold
#25 Deer, no finish, shown on a bit of an angle Sold
#26 Rooster or Chicken, no finish Sold
#27 Eagle, silver finish Sold
#28 Bird, no finish Sold
#29 Owl, no finish$10.00 each$6
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#30 Cat, no finish Sold
#31 Lion, no finish Sold
#32 Teddy Bear, no finish Sold

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Old Cracker Jack Prize Pot Metal Lapel Stud Buttons

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