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Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
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(3) Different Old Unopened Animal Incline Ramp Walkers
Item #1315
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This item is already sold(3) Different Old Unopened Animal Incline Ramp Walkers
Animal   Incline   Ramp Walkers   Mechanical   Toy   Novelty
The picture shows all (3) Different Old Unopened Animal Incline Ramp Walkers in this lot. These are the type that have a weight on a string that hangs over the edge of a table to make them walk. The string can be removed and they will walk down an incline. Included in this lot are:


The toys are made of hard plastic and from Hong Kong. They are not dated but believed to be from the 1960's. The packaging measures about 2-1/2" x 4" and they are all in mint unopened condition with their header cards.

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(3) Different Old Unopened Animal Incline Ramp Walkers

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