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New Yorker Magazine - September 6, 1982 - Cover by Arnie Levin
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New Yorker Magazine - September 6, 1982 - Cover by Arnie Levin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the September 6, 1982 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Arnie Levin
Publication Date: September 6, 1982
Page Count: 110 pages
In this issue:

A Reporter at Large II-ISLANDS OF DISENCHANTMENT by Robert Shaplen. REPORTER AT LARGE about Hawaii. Among almost a million inhabitants those who can be classified as part-Hawaiian are 165,000; slightly less than 1% of the state's population is pure Hawaiian, or Polynesian. Although the Hawaiians, about a fifth of the 50th state's population have, in the past decade or...

Fiction A Telephone Call on Yom Kippur by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Writer who usually refuses to see readers agrees to meet with a man who swears he has a fantastic story to tell. An old Polish emigrant appears in his office, who proceeds to tell of his life as a Park Ave. orthodontist and of his numerous love affairs. His greatest...

Our Footloose Correspondents IN THE COUNTRY by Whitney Balliett. OUR FOOTLOOSE CORRESPONDENTS about Mabel Mercer, an 82 year old Black jazz singer. Her voice still retains its power and expressiveness, but it frequently refuses to carry between notes; so she resorts more and more to parlando. Gives details of her career since 1972, including a 75th birthday party in...

Fiction The Killion by Ian Frazier. TV anchorwoman Marcie Chang takes one look at her first paycheck, collapses and dies. A fellow reporter finds her, looks at the check crumpled in Marcie's hand, and expires beside her. The same fate is met by a receptionist a security guard, a cleaning woman and finally by a reporter...

Musical Events Arrangements by Nicholas Kenyon.

Books Home, Sweet Home by Naomi Bliven.

The Talk of the Town Yves Montand by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about an interview with Yves Montand, film star, political activist, and singer. He paid a brief visit to New York last week to check on arrangements for his forthcoming one-man show at the Metropolitan Opera House. He has pursued a dual career--as a singer of popular...

The Talk of the Town Street Writing by Andrea Lee Fallows. Talk story about observing the fate of a strip of wet concrete that lay unprotected in front of the Food City on Columbus Ave. at Seventieth Street. Writer watches some people resisting and some succumbing to the temptation to write their initials and draw pictures. A well-dressed businessman neatly...

The Current Cinema by Pauline Kael. Review of "The Road Warrior", a film by the Australian director George Miller. It is known in other countries as "Mad Max 2", and is a sequel to Miller's first film, the 1979 "Mad Max...

The Talk of the Town Neither a Borrower... by William McKibben. Talk story about the credit-training program offered to 23 new employees of Chase Manhattan Bank at Chase Manhattan headquarters, in lower Manhattan. The writer spent the first 3 days of the 200-day program which began in late August with the class. Stanley Burns, a vice-president of Chase...

Comment by Berton Roueche. A friend who lives in the country writes: I walked out into the garden the other morning on the way to breakfast to breathe the early-morning freshness, to enjoy the early-morning scents and colors. I stopped halfway down the path to marvel at a dewy peach-pink rose...

Poetry Summer Night by Douglas Dunn. Dusk softens round the leaf and cools the West...

Poetry In My Own Back Yard by David Young. July. I'm dozing in sun on the deck...

Click on image to zoom.
New Yorker Magazine - September 6, 1982 - Cover by Arnie Levin

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