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| | | The pictures show a view of all (38) Colorful Old Animal Trading Cards in this lot. Unfortunately the backs did not get scanned. The backs have a number, the animal name, size, weight, and a paragraph description about the animal. This is not a complete set and we do not know how many cards were in the set. Also unknown is how these cards were obtained or the manufacturer. There is no advertising on them. The card edges are perforated. The cards each measure 2-1/2'' x 2-13/16''. They appear to be in mint condition as pictured except the #5 Walrus card has some creasing. Below here is a list of the numbers and the animals on the cards: #2. African Elephant #3. Flamingo #5. Walrus #6. Anteater #7. Mountain Goat #8. Zebra #9. Penguin #10. Camel #11. Porcupine #12. Wolf #13. Spider Monkey #14. Leopard #17. Llama #18. American Eagle #19. Rhinoceros #20. Wapiti #22. Seal #23. Galapagos Tortoise #24. Giraffe #25. Polar Bear #26. Kangaroo #27. Raccoon #28. Gorilla #30. Opossum #31. Reindeer #32. Ostrich #33. Crocodile #35. Bullfrog #36. Puma #37. White - Tailed Deer #38. Ermine #39. American Buffalo #40. Gray Squirrel #41. Hippopotamus #42. Koala #43. Lion #44. Muskrat #45. Giant Panda |
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