The picture shows a view of all (25) Old Elvis Presley Related Paper Items in this lot. All of these items picture Elvis and all of them are paper. Included are the following items: There are (2) Boston Globe Newspaper United Press International memorial photo pictures. These are like small posters. They were most likely placed in the newspaper after Elvis had died. They have some lyrics from the song ''Love Me Tender'' and ''ELVIS PRESLEY (1935 - 1977)''. Next there is an unused ©1979 1980 spiral bound Calendar. There is a different Elvis color picture for each month of the year. It is marked ''© L.E.P. PUBLICATIONS, INC. 1979''. There is a 1982 - 1983 Calendar card. It has an image of Elvis singing with a facsimile inscription and autograph that reads ''SEASON'S GREETINGS ELVIS''. The calendar goes from October 1982 to December 1983. Next there is a record promotion Elvis Memorial picture booklet. This (20) page booklet is filled with colorful images of Elvis and Elvis record album covers. We believe that this booklet was an RCA premium give away with the purchase of Elvis Presley records or tapes. The booklet is not dated. It is marked as follows: MEMORIES OF ELVIS SERIES RCA RECORDS OUR SINCERE THANKS FOR YOUR EVERLASTING LOYALTY ELVIS, VERNON PRESLEY AND THE COLONEL PHOTO ALBUM FOR RECORD PROMOTION ONLY HEAR ELVIS ON RCA RECORDS AND TAPES There is an advertisement for a ©1992 Ashton Drake Galleries Elvis Presley Doll titled ''ELVIS THE '68 COMEBACK SPECIAL''. It pictures two images of the doll, information, and an unused order form. Next there is a ©1994 Grolier Inc. Elvis presley card. A young Elvis image is on the card as well as information on the front and back. The card was one of a file type series of cards of people from 1750 - 2000. There are (3) order form cards from the United States Postal Service. They were for ordering 29 cent Elvis postage stamps, with their collectible folders and information on Elvis. The items are pictured on the cards. The order forms on the back are unused. The final items in this lot are (15) unused ©1992 Special Offer order forms for Life Size Cut Out Elvis Wall Posters. These picture the poster display. These are ©1992 by The River Group. All of these items for one price! To judge the sizes each of the two Elvis Memorial pictures in the back measure 12'' x 9-1/2''. These items are all in near mint or mint unused condition as pictured. |