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(3) 1955 FATE Magazines #58, #60 and #61
Item #sfm0058
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This item is already sold(3) 1955 FATE Magazines #58, #60 and #61
FATE Magazine   Back-Issue   Pulp   UFO   Advertisement   Flying Saucer   Ghost   Space   Alien   Magic   Fortean   Nostalgic
The pictures show the covers of all (3) FATE Magazines in this lot.

Sporting the byline "True Stories Of The Strange And The Unknown", FATE Magazine is the world's leading magazine of the paranormal. Started in 1948, it has published expert opinions and personal experiences relating to UFOs, psychic abilities, ghosts and hauntings, cryptozoology, alternative medicine, and Fortean phenomena for a devoted readership worldwide. All stories in this magazine are purported to be factual. This is not a collection of science fiction stories.

Included in this lot are the following (3) FATE magazines, all from 1955. These magazines measure 5 1/2" wide and 7 1/4" tall. They each contain 130 pages. They are complete and in good condition, with exceptions as noted.

Issue #58, VOL 8 - No. 1, January 1955

Issue #60, VOL 8 - No. 3, March 1955 (cover has a date stamped on it)

Issue #61, VOL 8 - No. 4, April 1955

There are many interesting articles and advertisements in these issues, including:

Issue #58, VOL 8 - No. 1, January 1955

"Kiss Of Life", Paul Burton-Mercur
"Ghost Ship", James Jampson
"The Golden Wedding - A Christmas Story", Doris Enfield Hicks
"Ghost Fireball of Hamburg", James Melvin Reinhardt
"My Double Escaped", Monica Delmore
"Christmas letter From Heaven", Mary McGowan Slappey
"The Fakir's Curse", Brig. Humphry Bullock
"Nature's Strange Photographs", Henry Winfred Splitter
"Ghosts Around the World", Chester S. Geier
"Survival and the Power of Positive Thinking", Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
"Japan's Strange Underground Christians", William Wallrich
"Abdu'l-Baha Discusses Reincarnation", Laura Clifford Barney
"Love Gives Them Immortality", Dr. W. D. Chesney
"I See By The Papers", Curtis Fuller
"Jinxed But Lucky"
"Reversed Matter"
"True Mystic Experiences"
"Dead Man's Speech"
"Oldest Afghanistan City"
"My Proof of Survival"
"Fingers of Fate", Harold Helfer
"Psychic Panel"
"Premonition of Tragedy"
"Report From the Readers"

Issue #60, VOL 8 - No. 3, March 1955

"Unsolved Saucer Mysteries", Curtis Fuller
"Why Was Frank Edaward's Fired?", John C. Ross
"Saucers Over Italy", Jared Hamilton
"Religion And The Saucers", Dr. Homer A. Jack
"Confusion In The Sky", The Editors
"Little Men From All Over", Curtis Fuller
"The Saucer That Got Away", Paul F. Serpas
"Throwers Of The Dolos", Michael Sheldon
"Mary Stuart's Diamonds Of Death", Harold T. WIlkins
"Persistent Poltergeist", Constance Cramer
"The Return Of Mary Roff", John Philip Bessor
"You Can Live Your Future", Chester S. Geier
"Prophecies Of Brigham Young", Robert W. Smith
"Radio To Other Worlds", Clarkson Dye
"The Crows That Cried Murder"
"Monster Of Vancouver Island"
"Fingers Of Fate", Harold Helfer
"True Mystic Experiences"
"Primitive Man Went East"
"My Proof of Survival"
"Psychic Panel"
"Report From the Readers"

Issue #61, VOL 8 - No. 4, April 1955

"I Saw The Parson Die", J. P. J. Chapman
"The Phantom Hitch-Hiker", Lida Wilson Pyles
"The Apported Blue Book", Edward C. Wood
"Where Was Moses", Jack Hampton
"Olga Keeps Her Promise", Rosalind John
"The Drummer Of Tedworth", Hereward Carrington
"Archie's Lucky Number", Dr. W. E. Farbstein
"Zimbabwe... Africa's Lost Civilization", Chester S. Geier
"I Have The Gift Of Psychometry", Marjorie Talbot
"The House Where The Furniture Danced", Valentine Dyall
"How To Read Hands", Mir Bashir
"Rev. Cameron And His Witching Wand", Rev. Verne L. Cameron
"You May Have Lived Before", Paul M. Vest
"Canada's Indian Healer", Dave Hunt
"I See By The Papers", Curtis Fuller
"The Underground Horites"
"Wheel Of Fortune", Paul Steiner
"According To The Script"
"Gossip In The Graveyard"
"Queen Victoria And The Moth"
"True Mystic Experiences"
"Miracle In The Mississippi"
"Collie Came Home"
"My Proof of Survival"
"The Unique Centenarians"
"Man In 5,000,000 A. D."
"The Splotched Paint Mystery"
"Report From the Readers"

Click on image to zoom.
(3) 1955 FATE Magazines #58, #60 and #61 (3) 1955 FATE Magazines #58, #60 and #61 (3) 1955 FATE Magazines #58, #60 and #61

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