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New Yorker Magazine - May 2, 1977 - Cover by Joseph Low
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New Yorker Magazine - May 2, 1977 - Cover by Joseph Low
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the May 2, 1977 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Joseph Low
Publication Date: May 2, 1977
Page Count: 148 pages
In this issue:

The Talk of the Town 450 Scoops by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about letter from young friend who has poor nerves. During a difficult week, the writer bought the premier issue of "Us" magazine. Mentions articles on Paul Newman, Ansel Adams, etc., and a gossip column called "Reliable Source." Writer also attended the party for the premier issue of "Us...

U. S. Journal SOME ELEMENTS OF POWER by Calvin Trillin. U.S. JOURNAL: SAN ANTONIO about the political power of Mexican-Americans in San Antonio, Texas. Several year ago, Ernesto Cortes, Jr., began to organize the Mexican-Americans in San Antonio. In 1974, they formed an organization called Communities Organized for Public Service, or COPS. Cortes used the principles formulated by...

The Talk of the Town Fireplace Man by Thomas Whiteside. Talk story about Harry Emmer, the 77-year old senior partner in the William H. Jackson Company, which has been supplying fireplaces and fireplace equipment since 1827. Writer visited Mr. Emmer at the quietly elegant store at 3 E. 47th. Tells about the fine-looking fireplaces, andirons, etc. which fill...

A Reporter in Europe ROME by Jane Kramer. A REPORTER IN EUROPE about Italy, which is in the kind of crisis that put Mussolini in power. Italy is bankrupt- 25 billion dollars in deficit financing. Its schools are in disgrace and its health services barely function. Only 19 million people of Italy's 56 million work. The per-capita...

Books Miscreants by Susan Lardner.

Fiction The Kugelmass Episode by Woody Allen. Kugelmass, a humanities professor at City College, was unhappily married for the second time and up to his neck in alimony to his first wife. He wants to have a discreet affair. Persky, a magician from Brooklyn, introduces Kugelmass to his magical cabinet. All Kugel mass has to do is...

Musical Events Of Thee They Sing by Andrew Porter.

A Reporter at Large The Encircled River~I by John McPhee. A REPORTER AT LARGE about exploring the area of the Kobuk River and the Salmon River of the Brooks Range in Alaska to consider including them in the Kobuk Valley National Monument. The monument proposal, covering nearly 2 million acres, is scheduled for Congressional action before the end of 1978...

The Race Track That Seattle Slew Again by G. F. T. Ryall. Let out a wrap" is a racing phrase that goes way back to the days when jockeys wrapped the ends of their reins around their arms to give them better control over powerful, free-running horses...

Fiction Fleeced by Penelope Gilliatt. Tom, a 10-year old English boy, lives on a tropical island with his tutor, Lionel. Tom's father, David Lippincott, is a rich Englishman who has moved his bank account to the island to avoid the English tax. Lionel also serves as Tom's father's accountant. Tom's mother, Andrea, is separated...

Comment by Jonathan Schell. Comment on reaction to Pres. Carter's energy program. The Pres. may be up against the difficulty that always attends efforts to cut back on anything. We have an illustration of this principle in the attempts made in recent years to frame proposals for disarmament. A problem that arises is that...

The Theatre IN PRAISE OF SONG by Brendan Gill.

Dancing Dissidents by Arlene Croce.

Around City Hall The View from the Back Rooms by Andy Logan. Tells about corruption in local politics. Discusses wrong-doing by Bklyn Councilman. Samuel Wright, who is chairman of the N.Y.C. Council ethics committee and that of Matthew Troy, Queens Councilman, and the indulgence shown them. Tells about coming election for Mayor. By early March the number of announced candidates had...

The Talk of the Town The Crucial Room by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about tour of exhibit of Russian and Soviet painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is the largest and most comprehensive exhibit of its kind ever shown in the West. Dr. John Bowlt, professor of Slavic language and literature at the University of Texas at Austin and...

Poetry By The Steps Of The Metropolitan Museum Of Art by James Reiss. Choking with silent laughter, the chalkfaced mime...

Poetry Clear Night by Charles Wright. Clear night, thumb-top of a moon, a back-lit sky...

Poetry A Phot of Miners (U.S.A. 1908) by Brendan Galvin. With trees backing them...

Poetry Rain Song by Stephen Dobyns. The woods are full of men with umbrellas...

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New Yorker Magazine - May 2, 1977 - Cover by Joseph Low

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