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New Yorker Magazine - July 17, 1989 - Cover by Devera Ehrenberg
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New Yorker Magazine - July 17, 1989 - Cover by Devera Ehrenberg
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the July 17, 1989 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Devera Ehrenberg
Publication Date: July 17, 1989
Page Count: 92 pages
In this issue:

Dancing by Arlene Croce.

The Talk of the Town The Last Treasure by Mike Cannell. Talk story about the schooner UAP Antarctica, which will serve as a floating base camp for the beginning of the first attempted crossing of the Antarctic continent by dogsled and foot. Named for her sponsor, the French insurance firm Union des Assurances de Paris, the UAP Antarctica sailed into town...

Fiction Sleeping Arrangements by Laura Shane Cunningham. Story of an 8-year-old girl, Lily, whose care, at the death of her mother Rosie, is taken over by her bachelor uncles, Len, a part-time private investigator, and Gabe, a writer and a practicing Jew. They come to sit shivah in the L-shaped studio apartment where...

Report from Cambodia THE TIGER AND THE CROCODILE by H. D. S. Greenway. REPORT FROM CAMBODIA about the Vietnamese withdrawal from Cambodia in late September. After the Vietnamese withdraw Cambodia must decide whether to trust the government in Phnom Penh, which is backed by the Vietnamese, or the resistance, which is dominated by the Khmer Rouge. The tripartite resistance movement is composed of...

Books by Clive James.

Obituary by Whitney Balliett. Obituary of Max Gordon, the owner of the Village Vanguard. Gordon was "the last of the old-style New York jazz-club owners, who not only operated honest places but loved the music." He died in May of 1989 at the age of 86...

The Talk of the Town Penny Serenade by Mindy Aloff. Talk story about the Adopt-A-Monument program. It was initiated in 1987 by the Municipal Art Society of New York, a private group in Manhattan, in cooperation with both the city's Dept. of Parks and Recreation and its Art Commission. Under the program, a corporation, a foundation, a private...

The Talk of the Town Maker by Adam Gopnik. Talk Story about Ben Hume who makes folk instruments--some of them recreations of ancient folk instruments--in his Upper East Side apartment. The writer visited Hume & was treated to a boing lesson. A boing is an instrument that was inspired by a number of stringed instruments. They're made...

A Reporter at Large I-BIG SUGAR by Alec Wilkinson. REPORTER AT LARGE about the cultivation of sugarcane in south Florida. Most of it is harvested by hand by men from the West Indies who live in barracks on the sugar plantations. The majority come from Jamaica. 10,000 cutters take part; they constitute the largest single group of foreign workers...

Comment by William Finnegan. Comment about "The Abandoned Field," a Vietnamese film made in 1979. Its story takes place during the height of the American military involvement in Vietnam, and its point of view is thoroughly Vietnamese. The young couple of the opening frames live, with their infant son, in a bamboo tree house...

Poetry Fire by Philip Levine. A fire burns along the eastern rim...

Poetry Boy's life by Henri Cole. Napping pretzeled in plain old coach class...

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New Yorker Magazine - July 17, 1989 - Cover by Devera Ehrenberg

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