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1905 Merchants & Manufacturers Exposition and Military Carnival Advertising Program Book
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This item is already sold1905 Merchants & Manufacturers Exposition and Military Carnival Advertising Program Book
Merchant   Manufacturer   Expo   Exposition   Military   Carnival   Advertising   Program   Book   Historic
The picture shows a view of this 1905 Merchants & Manufacturers Exposition and Military Carnival Advertising Program Book. Shown is the cover, inside back cover ad, and some examples of the many advertising pages in this (50) page book. This MM Expostion was held in Portland, Maine from June 22nd to July 1st of 1905. The book is combined with Songs of All Colleges, Views of Portland, and the Automobile Register of the State of Maine (imagine that! all (437) 1905 registered drivers in Maine are listed! Only 99 years ago.) It was ''Under the Auspices of Maine National Guard and Business Men of Portland''.

The pictures inside (in addition to advertising) include the following:

The Armory
The Marine Pier
Longfellow Home
Casco Bay, Maine map
Surf Scene on the Maine Coast
Longfellow's Monument
City Hall
Bug Light (lighthouse)
Sebago Lake
Peak's Island
Union Station

The advertising inside include:

New England Telephone And Telegraph Company
West End Hotel
Pillsburys Best Flour
Portland National Bank
A. R. Wright Company (coal)
Portland Trust Company
Loring, Short, & Harmon (souvenirs, sports, cards, maps, & more)
Eastman Bros. & Bancroft (clothing)
George P. Cornish (Men's clothing)
Hall L. Davis & Co. (stationers)
John J. Lappin & Co. (grain, flour, mill feeds, hay, & straw)
Gas Appliance Store
Preble House
Anderson, Adams, & Co. (fire insurance)
Turkish Baths
C. H. Randall Co. (rubber stamps, printing)
J. E. Goold & Co. (paint)
Ladd's Original Dairy Lunch
Catlin Bros. Portland Potato Chips
Sawyer's Crystal Blue
Owen Moore & Co. (needlework, chinaware, cut glass, toys, clothing, & more)
J. E. Palmer Co. (womens clothing)
Priest's Dairy Luncheon
Maine Artificial Stone Co.
H. E. Davis & Co. (plumbing)
H. K. Johnson (carpenter & builder)
W. J. O'Neil (custom boots and shoes)
J. A. Merrill & Co. (jewelers)
Vienna Cafe
The Longfellow Gallery (portraits)
Windsor Mineral Spring Co. (spring water)
Harpswell Line Steamboat Company
M. & F. Manufacturing Co. (printers & binders)
J. H. Edwards (real estate & loans)
H. H. Hayay's Sons (drugs & paints)
Chadbourn & Kendall (woolens & tailors)
The Lafayette Hotel
The Chapman National Bank
Lamson Studios (nature prints & photography)
Portland Typewriter Exchange
William W. Roberts Co. (stationers & postcards)
Whipple's Bargain Store (crackery, glass, kitchen furnishing goods)
George W. Barbour (watch & clock repair)
Calderwood (Mother's Bread)
Colonial Hotel
Cliff House
Smith & Rumery (general contractors & lumber dealers)
McKenny Jewelry Co.
Myers & Mahoney (plumbing)
Castle Square Hotel
The Rialto Cafe
Coca-Cola (at soda fountains 5c)
C. A. Vincent (real estate)
Eureka Steam Laundry
Flahery Bros. (plasterer)
P. Ward (plasterer)
Wm. J. Miller (plumbing)
Foster Rubber Company
Dr. Florence A. Covey (osteopath)
Dr. Viola D. Howe (osteopath)
Chase Fashionable Millinery
A. E. Cornish (tailor)
Grace Towne Butler (manicuring)
Chiropody (hair dressing, manicuring)
S. P. Nash Millinery
Heseltine & Tuttle Co. (apothecaries)
Casco Woollen Company
Central Dairy Lunch
F. E. Plumer (baker, groceries)
Columbia Hotel
The Casco Bay Steamboat Company
Wallace E. Easton (optician)
George T. Springer (watches, diamonds, jewelry, silverware)
R. K. Gatley (plasterer)
The Everett Chambers
E. M. Flye (ladies hatter)
Blackstone & Smith (masons and builders)
R. S. Davis Co. (blue willow plates)
Washburn Crosby Gold Medal Flour
Portland Railroad Company
F. A. Leavitt (awnings, tents, flags)
Walter M. Lowney (Lowney's Cocoa & Chocolate candy)
Orient Mfg. Co. (Orient Spray)

The book measures 10-3/8'' x 7-3/8''. It is in good condition with some wear to the cover (as pictured) and a few pages.

Click on image to zoom.
1905 Merchants & Manufacturers Exposition and Military Carnival Advertising Program Book

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