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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
Phone: 1-603-335-2062
Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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Found 82 items matching Sergeant
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Old George Wallace Alabama Governor Political Campaign Token Coin
George Wallace   Alabama   Governor   Token   Coin   Medal   Political   Campaign   Advertising   Souvenir   Numismatic   Exonumia   History   Historic   Nostalgic
#0886   $9.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(4) 1940's Movie Theatre Programs
Movie   Film   Theatre   Actress   Actor   Nostalgic
#1861    Sold.   details...
(4) 1949 Sergeant Preston / Quaker Oats Premium Dog Trading Cards
Sergeant Preston   Quaker   Cereal   Premium   Prize   Character   Dog   Non Sports   Trading Card   Advertising
#3149    Sold.   details...
(9) 1940's Rochester, New Hampshire Scenic Theatre Photographs
Popcorn   Movie   Theater   Actor   Actress   Poster   Rochester   New Hampshire   Historic   Nostalgic
#6154    Sold.   details...
Bronze Or Brass United States Air Force Coin Or Medal
U.S. Airforce   Military   Coin   Medal   Token   Award   Nostalgic
#6741    Sold.   details...
(6) Very Colorful 1940's Comic Strip Cream Of Wheat Cereal Advertisements
Cartoon   Comic Strip   Comic   Art   Advertising   Cream Of Wheat   Cereal   WWII   Homefront   Nostalgic
#7234   $34.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
1954 Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Premium Distance Finder with Insert Paper & Mailer Box
Sergeant Preston   Yukon   Yukon King   Premium   Prize   Mailer   Box   Quaker   Cereal
#a207    Sold.   details...
Old Unused Sad Sack Comic Strip Character Transfer Pictures Booklet
Sad Sack   Comic   Comic Strip   Harvey Comics   Character   Soldier   U.S. Army   Military   Transfer   Tattoo   Booklet   Paper   Ephemera
#a308   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Unique 1949 Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Premium Dog Card Advertising Post Card
Sergeant Preston   Character   Radio   Cereal   Quaker   Yukon   Premium   Prize   Dog   Canine   Non Sports   Trading Card   Card   Advertising   Sticker   Post Card   R.C.M.P.   Canada   Canadian   Police
#a393   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
1940 Kitty Foyle: The Natural History of a Woman Movie Theatre Advertising Flyer
Ginger Rogers   Actress   Woman   Movie   Film   Theatre   Theater   Flyer   Risque   Nostalgic   Advertising
#b419   $19.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
(16) Colorful 1950 Sergeant Preston Of The Yukon Quaker Cereal Premium Trading Cards
Sergeant Preston   Yukon   Yukon King   Royal Canadian Mounted Police   Mountie   Canada   Quaker   Cereal   Radio   Premium   Prize   Non Sports   Trading Card   Card
#b542    Sold.   details...
(11) ©1949 Sergeant Preston Challenge Of The Yukon Quaker Cereal Prize Dog Cards
Sergeant Preston   Challenge Of The Yukon   Quaker   Cereal   Radio   Prize   Premium   Dog   Canine   Animal   Non Sports   Trading Card   Card
#b731   $39.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Old Tom Mix In Riding West 16mm Western Cowboy Movie Film
Tom Mix   Actor   16mm   Western   Cowboy   Movie   Film
#c245    Sold.   details...
(2) 1968 George Wallace Political Campaign Items
George Wallace   Political   Campaign   Candidate   Democrat   U.S. President   Governor   United States   Numismatic   Exonumia   Coin   Token   Medal   Nostalgic   Advertising
#c319   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(2) 1968 George Wallace Political Campaign Items
George Wallace   Political   Campaign   Candidate   Democrat   U.S. President   Governor   United States   Numismatic   Exonumia   Coin   Token   Pin Back Button   Nostalgic   Advertising
#c517   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
©1963 Combat! U.S. Military Television Show Board Game
Combat   United States   U.S. Army   Military   War   Television   TV   Game   Nostalgic   Actor   Actress
#d046    Sold.   details...
Old George Wallace Alabama Governor Political Campaign Token Coin
George Wallace   Alabama   Governor   Token   Coin   Medal   Political   Campaign   Advertising   Souvenir   Numismatic   Exonumia   History   Historic   Nostalgic
#d161   $9.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
©1966 Boxed Green Hornet Television Character Playing Cards
Green Hornet   Television   TV   Radio   Actor   Character   Playing Card   Card   Ed-U-Cards   Game   Nostalgic   Advertising
#e149    Sold.   details...
Unused 1957 Invasion of The Saucermen Movie Ad Mat Mold
Invasion of The Saucermen   Martian   Alien   Flying Saucer   Space Ship   Space   Science   Fiction   Character   Ad Mat   Advertising   Printer   Printing   Print Block   Mold   Nostalgic   Theatre   Theater   Movie   Film   Actor   Actress   Newspaper   Magazine   Program   History   Historic   Paper   Ephemera
#e715    Sold.   details...
©1896 U.S. President William McKinley & Mrs. McKinley Stereoview Photograph Card
U.S. President   William McKinley   Stereoview   Photo   Photograph   Card   History   Historic   Paper   Ephemera
#e763   $49.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
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