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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
Phone: 1-603-335-2062
Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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Found 107 items matching Boxing
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Old Gillette Razor Advertising Premium Cavalcade of Sports Record
Old Gillette Razor Advertising Premium Cavalcade of Sports Record
#0094   $29.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
1900's Johnny Frayne Mecca Cigarettes Premium Boxing Trading Card
Boxing   Sports   Trading Card   Cigarette   Tobacco
#0756    Sold.   details...
1900's Joe Coburn Mecca Cigarettes Premium Boxing Trading Card
Boxing   Sports   Trading Card   Cigarette   Tobacco
#0757    Sold.   details...
1900's Harry Stone Mecca Cigarettes Premium Boxing Trading Card
Boxing   Sports   Trading Card   Cigarette   Tobacco
#0758    Sold.   details...
1900's Marvin Hart Mecca Cigarettes Premium Boxing Trading Card
Boxing   Sports   Trading Card   Cigarette   Tobacco
#0759    Sold.   details...
1900's Tommy Murphy Mecca Cigarettes Premium Boxing Trading Card
Boxing   Sports   Trading Card   Cigarette   Tobacco
#0760    Sold.   details...
Advertising Premium Booklet Entitled: "KEDS HANDBOOK OF SPORTS AND GAMES FOR 1933"
Keds   Shoes   Advertising   Sporta   Premium   Booklet
#1344   $14.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Early RELIABLE (candy) SALES CORPORATION Premium Catalog Booklet With An Unused Reply Envelope
Candy   Candies   Confection   Confectionery   Advertising   Premium   Food   Catalog
#1363    Sold.   details...
(26) Mixed Old Sports Related Items
Sports   Miniature   Charm   Advertising
#1756    Sold.   details...
(7) Old CRACKER JACK Prize / Premium Bead Dexterity Games
Cracker Jack   Prize   Premium   Pin Ball   Dexterity Game   Palm Puzzle   Miniature
#2352    Sold.   details...
1928 Boxing Magazine & (16) Newspaper Articles
Boxing   Boxer   Sports   Historical   Advertising   Paper
#5872    Sold.   details...
(3) 1928 - 1929 Liberty Magazine Boy Salesmen Booklets
Magazine   Advertising   Salesman   Premium   Prize   Paper
#6035    Sold.   details...
(14) Different Colorful 1930s Cracker Jack Pop Corn Confection Toy Prize Sports Transfer Pictures
Chicago   Illinois   United States   America   American   Americana   Advertising   Rueckheim   Reliable Confections   Cracker Jack   Pop Corn   Peanut   Confection   Candy   Food   Promotion   Promotional   Prize   Premium   Miniature   Toy   Novelty   Nostalgic   Paper   Ephemera   Sports   Referee   Football   Rowing   Rowboat   Race   Race Car   Racing   Driver   Basketball   Tennis   Climber   Climbing   Baseball   Player   Batter   Swimmer   Swimming   Diver   Diving   Sword   Fencing   Boxer   Boxing   Ski   Skier   Skiing   Vintage   Antique   History   Historic
#6119    Sold.   details...
(14) United States Air Force Items
Aircraft   Airplane   Airforce   Aviation   Military   War
#6381    Sold.   details...
(22) Old Video Game Booklets
Video Game   Arcade   TV   Television   Electronic   Game   Catalog   Advertising   Booklet   Nostalgic
#6588    Sold.   details...
(7) 1939 -1940 New York World's Fair Items
New York   Worlds Fair   Souvenir   Advertising   Historic   Nostalgic
#6872    Sold.   details...
(86) 1951 Black & White Military Photographs
U.S. Army   Military   War   Serviceman   Transportation   Photograph   Photography   Photo   Nostalgic
#6994   $64.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
(5) Old United Staes Navy Paper Advertising Items
United States Navy   Post WWII   Military   Ship   Recruiter   Advertising   Historical   Nostalgic
#7360    Sold.   details...
(179) ©1979 ROCKY II Bubble Gum Trading Cards
Rocky Balboa   Sylvester Stalone   Celebrity   Boxing   Boxer   Fiction   Drama   Movie   Film   Television   TV   Non Sports Trading Card   Bubble Gum   Premium   Prize   Advertising   Nostalgic
#7430    Sold.   details...
(8) Old Flicker Lenticular Premium / Prize Toy Rings
Toy Ring   Flicker   Lenticular   3-D   Jewelry   Premium   Prize   Gum Ball Machine   Toy   Nostalgic
#8003    Sold.   details...
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