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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
Phone: 1-603-335-2062
Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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1910 Christopher Columbus Columbus Day Medallion
Columbus   Massachusetts   Holiday   Medal   Medallion   Charm   Pendant
#1027    Sold.   details...
(4) Beautiful Old French Advertising Trade Cards With Children & Toys
Non Sports Trading Card   Trade Card   Children   Toys   Antique   Advertising   Paper   Ephemera   Victorian
#1314   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Old Charm Bracelet With (4) Metal People Charms
Charm   Charm Bracelet   Miniature   Character
#1396    Sold.   details...
1946 "BATTLE STATIONS!" Your Navy In Action Book
U.S. Navy   Military   WWII   Book
#1724    Sold.   details...
1978 Cap'n Crunch Cereal Glow-In-The-Dark Pirate Skeleton Figure Premium / Prize
Quaker Oats   Cap'n Crunch   Cereal   Prize   Premium   Glow In The Dark   Pirate   Skeleton   Monster   Nostalgic   Toy
#1903    Sold.   details...
Reference   Book   Military   Weapon   Historical
#2547   $24.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
(14) Different Colorful 1930s Cracker Jack Pop Corn Confection Toy Prize Sports Transfer Pictures
Chicago   Illinois   United States   America   American   Americana   Advertising   Rueckheim   Reliable Confections   Cracker Jack   Pop Corn   Peanut   Confection   Candy   Food   Promotion   Promotional   Prize   Premium   Miniature   Toy   Novelty   Nostalgic   Paper   Ephemera   Sports   Referee   Football   Rowing   Rowboat   Race   Race Car   Racing   Driver   Basketball   Tennis   Climber   Climbing   Baseball   Player   Batter   Swimmer   Swimming   Diver   Diving   Sword   Fencing   Boxer   Boxing   Ski   Skier   Skiing   Vintage   Antique   History   Historic
#6119    Sold.   details...
(32) Small Confederate States Items
Civil War   Veteran   Confederate   Rebel   Military   War   Southern States   Slavery   Americana   Gum Ball Machine   Premium   Prize
#6259    Sold.   details...
(8) Old U.S. Civil Defense Items
Civil Defense   CD   United States   Homefront   Military   Cold War   Americana
#6264    Sold.   details...
(11) Old Assorted Military Pins
Marine   Military   United States   Uniform   Americana
#6266    Sold.   details...
Old Packaged Navy Ships & Sailors Toy Playset
Navy   Ship   Sailor   Nautical   Figure   Playset   Military   War   Toy
#6518    Sold.   details...
(12) Old Cast Lead Miniature Toy Figures And Objects
Figure   Play Set   Miniature   Toy   Doll   Doll House   Nostalgic
#6570    Sold.   details...
(2) Old Cereal Box Back Games
Kelloggs   Cereal   Cereal Box   Advertising   Game   Premium   Prize   Nostalgic   Novelty   Pirate   Nautical
#7615   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(9) Different Small Old Italian Items
Italy   Italian   International   Souvenir   Pin Back Button   Pin   Jewelry   Nostalgic
#7730    Sold.   details...
(16) Small Old Catholic / Christian Religious Items
Catholic   Christian   Religion   Religious   Miniature   Icon   Souvenir
#7835    Sold.   details...
Old Unused Fraternal or Religious Real Photo Post Card
Fraternal   Religion   Religious   Postcard   Real Photo Post Card   Photo   Photograph   Historic
#7992    Sold.   details...
(3) Different Old Zorro Character Items
Zorro   Walt Disney   Character   Television   TV
#8095    Sold.   details...
(19) Walt Disney Character Pirate Coins / Tokens
Walt Disney   Character   Pirate   Coin   Token   Disneyland   Disneyworld
#8099    Sold.   details...
1970 Miniature King Vitaman Quaker Oats Cereal Prize Character Figure
Miniature   King Vitaman   Quaker   Cereal   Jay Ward   Premium   Prize   Toy Ring   Character   Figure
#8263    Sold.   details...
(14) Patriotic World War II Advertising Match Covers
Patriotic   World War II   WWII   Military   Homefront   Advertising   Match   Cover
#8313    Sold.   details...
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